Guitarist duo leaves Crazy Lixx

What many might have suspected can now officially be confirmed - guitarist Edd Liam has, for personal reasons, decided to quit the band. Edd has been in Crazy Lixx since the start of the 2010 tour following the release of our second album New Religion and played on two studio albums – Riot Avenue (2012) and the self-titled Crazy Lixx (2014). What may come as more of a surprise is that this summer also brings the end to Andy Zäta’s 7 year long career as lead guitar player for CL as he is now instead assuming one of the guitarist positions in the newly started British rock band Inglorious. Andy joined after the departure of Vic Zino (who joined Hardcore Superstar) in 2008 and has been, together with singer Danny Rexon, one of the main song-writers for the band and also the co-producer on the last two studio albums.

As to the future of the band, nothing has yet been decided. - “It is indeed a difficult position for us and we have yet to discuss how we will react on this situation, but I would lie if I said the band’s future existence isn’t at stake. The rest of us will have to sit down and start making plans for the remainder of the year and most importantly, decide whether Crazy Lixx is in those plans or not.” – says lead singer and founder Danny Rexon.

All interview requests for the band or the ex-members Edd and Andy about their departure can be sent to

Danny, Joél and Jens - Crazy Lixx

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